Case-Study: Versicherungsunternehmen

Stabilization of a central workflow system to restore normal operations.

A rapid bitside health check and the subsequent targeted elimination of identified core issues enabled a return to reliable daily operations.

Health Check

About the Client

One of the largest German insurance companies uses a central workflow system to manage and optimize employee workflows. As a central interface in employees’ daily work, the operation of the workflow system is absolutely essential.

Das Projekt


Frequent crashes of the workflow system and general instability of the entire application landscape led to several hundred employees regularly being unable to work for several hours. The complexity of the legacy application landscape made it difficult to identify the causes of the crashes.

The upcoming end-of-life of Internet Explorer added further uncertainties regarding the future operation of the workflow system.


Through prompt debugging of the workflow application and analysis of log files, we were able to identify and quickly resolve a race condition causing the system crashes. Additional adjustments led to a general stabilization of the application landscape.

We also determined that the end-of-life of Internet Explorer would not impact the continued operation of the workflow system.


The elimination of system crashes allows employees to return to a reliable work routine, saving the company significant costs by avoiding work disruptions.

The restored system stability enables our client to continue using the workflow system for several more years, despite the end-of-life of Internet Explorer.

Avoidance of work disruptions
Within a few days, we were able to restore the stable operation of the workflow system.
Ensuring continued operation
Additional adjustments allow the workflow system to operate for several more years, despite the end-of-life of Internet Explorer.
Improved system monitoring
Beyond the immediate measures, we were able to provide recommendations for better monitoring of the application landscape to enable quicker responses to future problems.

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